Friday, May 1, 2009

Kursk Ravens!! - Volgames 2009 -

hey2 bloggie!

as promised... pics from Volgo games :D


hoho im feeling hyper for this post.
as u can see.. up there was our Uni's banner for the recent Volgames 2009 in the city of heroes, Volgograd.

and down here is the our netball team waiting in front of uni to board the bus.. for gudluck.. we must camwhore as always.
praveen, our GS missing in action.. she was busy sowing our banner.

tadaaaaa~ Kursk contigents with the banner.

cameraman! click this way pls....

one of our pit stops... gmbar2 skit..

and we arrive in volgo just in time for opening ceremony.. as the overall champions of the last intervarsity games in Nizhny Novgorad.. Kursk contigents march first.. sy tuuu nah pakai sluar purple.. just in case u were looking. hihi~

KSMU! KSMU!! *clap3*

our game was on the first day. straight after arriving at 6am in the morning after 16hour drive.. attended the opening ceremony and went straight to our match.
warm up pose... ;D

all smiles before our first game againts Moscow medical academy..
unfortunately.. we lost our first game to them 5-6.
we felt really down then.. since it was our first year with a brand new defence. Akak punidha (wd), Kala(gd) both have graduated and Yas(gk) couldnt come for the games this time.. loosing the first match.. we thought it was all downhill from then on.
thankfully we won the next matches againts Volgograd 10-5 and RSMU 7-3 to make it into the finals.

In the finals we met up with MMA once again and WON the game 8-7... also a 1 point difference!
FUH~~~ *sweaty palms typing this while thinking about the game*

tx for not giving up team :)

after netball, we went to support the Futsal girls.
They won Gold too... wuhuu.. congrats :)
the next day.. i still had Handball to compete in. However we only got fourth placing. which i think was still a hell of a good job considering we only formed the team a week before the games.
We'll get u guys next year round in Kursk Games 2010!... I'll be seeing u RSMU handball girls, especially the one who pushed one of our Futsal players in the finals after she scored the winning goal.
tx for ur going-away present too.. hbs lebam tangan sy. thank u very much. grrrr...

on the 2nd day.. we had a Grand Concert. it was actually called the Grand dinner nite. tapi since makanan sgt "grand".. i think its more suitably called Grand concert.. congrats volgo on the great performances! truly enjoyed it :)
oya.. n remembered when i said i had to sing... well i DID! hehe. will upload the video as soon as i get it :)
ada sumbang2.. tapi pura2 seja la xperasan k.
here we are after the concert.

we r making fun of chang hoi's rapping part in the song 'satu suara'.

the closing ceremony... kami kena suruh duduk mcm kanak2 terbiar while they distribute the medals. those in red are the futsal girls.

Kursk Contigents!
although we only got 2nd placing overall for this year.. but spirits were still high. We shall grab the championship again next year!!!

all in all it was so fun.. n these are just pics from my cam.
i'll post more as soon as i've collected them from other peeps.
especially the pics of us at the statue of Mother of Russia :D
well tata for now bloggie~


Joy said...

uiiii mana tu videooo?? capat kasi uploaddd hahha

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