Monday, January 12, 2009

Click... click... click... *sigh*

morning bloggie...

its 1:20am now..

remember when i said i had 3000+ anatomy computer questions to click? well its still an undergoing process. probably done 200+ or so questions since yestrday (Yes! melangkah setapak ke hadapan).. now anothr 2000+ to go...

@_@ <------------- PANDA EYES syndrome

btway, i found the greatest protection againts formalin...

to avoid stinging ur eyes with its strong odour, just wear contact lenses!! works wonders. Was so glad i dint look like i was mourning over every corpse i observed.... *relief*.
Warning : However be careful to not scrub eyes... remember human guts all over u.

Now having my cup of milky tea (coffee makes me hyper..) n will reluctantly continue clicking after this..

If i post anothr entry on the same date a few hours later... bare with me pls.. it either means something interesting must have happened in tat space of time.. or i just wanna escape from this 'clicking' hell.. *bluek* (vomits)

well.. tata for now bloggie~


Joy said...

oo..formalin is a chemical? haha. blur kn How interesting it is on how u mention scooping internal organs(and penises) as if it was nothing. haha. talkin like real doc each day! lol!

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